Romania Military

Al 46-lea senil…aaah, ronin…aaah, ice cream…c’mon, man!

Dupa ce s-a intamplat azi…mai are cineva impresia ca am glumit mai deunazi, cand am spus ca ma tem pentru soarta a la Ceausescu a astuia?


*editat – cateva invataturi din noua Arta a Razboiului, pardon, Game of Thrones a la D&D:

Cry ‘Ice Cream!’, and let slip the farts of woke. (n.r – imi apartine, dibs and shotgun)

Always abandon your most strategic airbase right before an evacuation.

Never bother to cover your retreat, never!

Give your enemy a list of your collaborators.

Arm your enemy with your own weapons.
Always arm your opponent to make the match more even.

Retreat swiftly after each press conference.

Your enemy won’t know your plan if there is no plan

Show your enemy no mercy. Misgender them at every opportunity.

Do not waste your time negotiating with your enemy, just give him what he wants.

Retragerea din Afganistan văzută de pe flightradar24

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