Romania Military

Articolul de seara: avion, antivirus, firewall

Usor-usor lucrurile scapa de sub control. A devenit evident din momentul in care a fost gasit (intamplator se pare) malware intr-un sistem al unui F-16. Detalii au fost adaugate la final.

Acum USAF urmeaza sa aiba si echipe de protectie IT (engl mission defense teams) care vor participa la intretinerea avioanelor.

Directorul de comunicatii la Air Combat Command a declarat: These MDTs, when they’re thinking about the transaction of a whole, [they’re thinking about] how do you launch an F-22 into space and drop bombs, [and have] an understanding of what are the critical components of that transactional path that you have to protect.

Adjunctul directorului de operatiuni la acelasi Air Combat Command a avut si el o parere: It’s easy to focus on an individual installation, an individual weapon system and an individual mission defense team. But you need to think about it more broadly. There’s more than just one base like Shaw that operates F-16s. F-16s operate across the globe. How do you actually coordinate a response if one base sees this anomalous activity across the rest of the enterprise? It’s not just again the flying community but it’s the command and control of the response.

Eu zic ca isi fac singuri probleme. Daca in locul conservelor pe care dau atitia bani ar folosi o flota doar cu F-4 cinstite ar rezolva problema. Noi avem MiG-21 si nu ne doare capul.



Scriam la inceputul articolului ca a fost gasit malware pe un sistem al unui F-16. Sistemul se numeste memory loader verifier, nu se stie daca a ajuns pe calculatoarele avionului si este descris intr-un patent – US5218547A – ca fiind:

A Universal Memory Loader Verifier (UMLV) is disclosed. The loader comprises a system used to load and verify Operational Flight Programs (OFP) into an unlimited number of different types of avionics computers without the need for adding additional hardware (with the exception of an additional cable that may be unique to each particular computer being loaded and verified). The disclosed Universal Memory Loader Verifier (UMLV) consists of a portable, off the shelf, militarized, arm held, battery backed Personal Computer. The PC contains a custom interface card for different types of applications. The PC output is connected to a buffer box having a custom card therein by means of a cable. The buffer box is connected to a single ended driver/receiver type avionics computer through a unique cable. This connection requires an additional cable for each computer type. For all other applications, the PC is connected directly to the avionics computer by means of a unique cable. The Operational Flight Programs for every computer are loaded into the PC RAM memory from a detachable floppy drive, and is maintained in memory by means of a battery.

Un exemplu de asemenea dispozitiv este AN/USQ-131B Memory Loader Verifier (MLVS) al Extant Aerospace: The AN/USQ-131B Memory Loader Verifier Set (MLVS) is a software loader of EW mission data files for the AN/ALE-47 Countermeasure Dispenser System supporting Organizational, Intermediate and Depot level maintenance.


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