Romania Military

Serbia, MiG 29, 50 milioane de dolari

mig 29 serbia

Rusilor li s-a facut mila de sarbi si le ofera sase aparate MiG 29 (presupun ca modele mai vechi resapate) cu singura conditie: ca sarbii sa plateasca doar reparatiile si echipamentul adiacent.

Moscova a transmis aceasta oferta catre Belgrad pe la jumatatea lunii noiembrie, totul pentru suma de 50 milioane de dolari.

Sarbii raspund, diplomatic deocamdata, prin vocea presedintelui lor, Tomislav Nikolic: “It is a sign of sincere cooperation, trust and friendship. Serbia now has friends who will not hesitate to help it, who… do not hesitate to cooperate. Serbia wants to spread friendship to all nations in the world and will not support anyone in hating… We will not attack anyone, but we will provide the defense for our country and people.”

Insa Serbia are destule probleme financiare si suma de 50 de milioane de dolari ar putea sa fie destul de mult.


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