Romania Military

Sondajul Rumania Military #7: Yap! Turcii ne vor moderniza fregatele…?!?

This entry is part 7 of 20 in the series Sondaje RuMil

modernizarea fregatelor castigatorii

Direct in engleza, de pe siteul celor de la Havelsan), la ora nu mai am timp sa traduc…


Competencies gained in HAVELSAN’s national offshore platforms is opening up to the world’s oceans. HAVELSAN-led STM ASELSAN and Romania firm partnership established by the CSR, Romania Frigate won the tender for the modernization.Romania’s British-made combat system removed it bought in 2004-2005, Type-22 resulted tender for the modernization of the frigates. Tender STM the prime contractor and HAVELSAN Aselsan and CSR won partnership platform established by the company. Accordingly, HAVELSAN ‘brain’ as adopted Combat Management System (SYS) of the battle system solutions with type-22 class frigates will be modernized. The project scope also took on the integration tasks to work with the weapons and equipment on frigates HAVELSAN domestic as system capabilities as implemented in the defense industry friendly and allied countries that had brought in the Romanian Navy. Turkey’s first SYS exports , which adds one more to the success of the Navy field HAVELSAN company won the tender for the first time this will be realized in the export of a Combat Management System. Experienced this first, but also the distinction of showing the way to greater export initiative for the export boom of our defense industry. Flair that starts with HAVELSAN’s GENESIS and have in the maritime area continue our national platform and accumulation of friendly and allied countries are also seeing great interest. Last month, again with HAVELSAN solutions STM he won the submarine project in Pakistan against French opponents. Pakistani submarine modernization project for the first time in the Turkish system had found its place in the world market. These achievements, will be the overseas project envisions reference.”

STM Savunma Teknolojileri Muhendislik va fi integratorul in timp ce HAVELSAN si Aselsan, plus firma aia romaneasca vor fi subcontractori.

Asa cel putin sustin turcii pe situl companiei lor. Deocamdata nu avem o confirmare oficiala din partea romana…

Nu stiu daca trebuie sa fim bosumflati, dar – ca de obicei – am ajuns sa avem cel mai slab posibil contractor. Saab – nu, BAE – nu, LM Canada  -nu, etc. Poate din cauza pretului mic oferit, poate din alte cauze, nu reusim sa ne dotam cu ceva foarte bun ci luam la mana a doua, chiar daca echipamentele turcesti vor fi noi. Partea buna – pentru turcii – este ca noi suntem primul client extern. Bafta lor…

Sau poate ma insel eu si alegerea este buna. Dar nu ma pot intreba ce racheta AN pot oferi turcii?! Dar AA cu raza scurta si medie?! Poate vreun sistem CIWS?! Adica exact ce integreaza pe navele noastre, arme de la altii?!

Sursa: AICI

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Sondajul Rumania Military #7: Modernizarea fregatelor

Întrebare: Cine va câștiga contractul de modernizare a fregatelor românești?

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*editat – Rezultate finale, 198 de voturi:

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