Romania Military

Boeing T-X la primul zbor


T-X la primul zbor

Aparatul realizat in parteneriat de care Boeing si Saab a executat pe 20 decembrie primul zbor. Aeronava i-a avut la bord pe pilotul de incercare Steven Schmidt si pe Dan Draeger – pilotul sef pentru programe de dezvoltare. Zborul s-a desfasurat in St. Louis si a durat 55 de minute.

Programul T-X are in vedere achizitionarea de catre US Air Forces al viitorului avion pentru antrenamentul avansat (si trecerea pe supersonic), inlocuitor al veteranului T 38 Talon.

La aterizare Steven Schmidt a declarat: “I’ve been a part of this team since the beginning and it was really exciting to be the first to train and fly. The aircraft met all expectations. It is well designed and offers superior handling characteristics. The cockpit is intuitive, spacious and adjustable, so everything is within easy reach.”

In timp ce Draeger a spus: “It was a smooth flight and a successful test mission. I had a great all-around view throughout the flight from the instructor’s seat, which is critical during training.”

Boeing T-X este un avion cu un singur motor similar, din acest punct de vedere cu, FA 50 al celor de la Lochkeed Martin-KAI cu FA 50.

Revenind la Boeing T-X, acestia au deja doua avioane construite, cel de-al doilea exemplar aflandu-se in probe la sol.


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