Bell V-280 Valor, 280 de noduri in…”olive drab”, baby!

Come on, SB-1 Defiant, move your compound-coaxial-pusher-propelled ass, fly! It’s time! Bell, you already have 893 shares on FB post, you said that at 1000 you will release the clip. I have my eyes on you!

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Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator JMR-TD

Pentagonul s-a hotarat in programul pentru viitorul elicopter multirol asupra a doua concepte prezentate de catre Bell Helicopters si o echipa formata de catre Sikorski si Boeing, celelalte doua propuneri fiind deja eliminate. Cei doi competitori au liber in a construi o aeronava  demonstrator  Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator JMR-TD, astfel:…

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