Munitie ghidata pentru Carl-Gustaf

Saab și Raytheon vor face demonstrații cu noua muniție Carl-Gustaf pentru Armata SUA

Saab, în colaborare cu Raytheon, a primit un contract de la Armata SUA pentru a demonstra muniția ghidată pentru sistemul Carl-Gustaf®, în cadrul a trei trageri de test all-up-round (AUR) împotriva unor ținte reprezentând amenințări.


În 2017, Saab și-a anunțat parteneriatul cu Raytheon pentru a dezvolta noi arme pentru forțele de infanterie. Noua muniție răspunde unei cerințe a Comandamentului pentru Operațiuni Speciale al SUA, și este concepută pentru a crește capabilitatea sistemului dovedit, cu lansare de pe umăr, multi-rol, de arme Carl-Gustaf, construit de Saab. Noua muniție este ghidată, ceea ce va conferi o precizie sporită împotriva țintelor în mișcare.

„Colaborarea cu Raytheon, folosind excelența lor tehnică și de produse, în combinație cu soluțiile noastre tehnologice inovatoare,  va conferi capabilități suplimentare sistemelor de arme deja de vârf pe plan mondial Carf-Gustaf și AT4, care vor spori beneficiile operaționale pentru utilizatori,” spune Görgen Johansson, Senior Vice Președinte și șeful zonei de business Dynamics a Saab.

„Combinată cu sistemul de arme Carf-Gustaf, această nouă muniție ghidată va oferi forțelor terestre ale SUA și din coaliție capabilități suplimentare de dominație împotriva amenințărilor inamice pe câmpul de luptă,” spune Kim Ernzen, vice președinte al Raytheon Land Warfare Systems . „Muniția le va permite trupelor terestre să angajeze ținte multiple, cu precizie, la distanțe pe până la 2.000 de metri, inclusiv ținte în mișcare.”

Ogiva avansată a muniției este concepută pentru a penetra blindajul ușor, buncărele și structurile de beton, micșorând pagubele colaterale. Cu o gamă mai mare, noua muniție va oferi o protecție sporită pentru trupele terestre, permițându-le să tragă la țintă din interiorul structurilor sau clădirilor.


6 comentarii:

  1. Salut. Suedezi astia seriosi mult prea seriosi,parca si fortele noastre speciale ar avea nevoie de asemenea jucarii.

  2. Munitia de mai sus, aminteste de Pike 40mm a Raytheon:
    probabil reutilizeaza ghidajul pentru munitia Gustav-ului.

  3. Impresionant ce poate face aceasta arma portabila – sa tragi cu precizie la 2km de pe umar e ceva, fata de vreo 100 metri cu AG-7, desi sunt bune si alea, decat nimic.

    Cu relieful nostru, daca luam cateva mii de Carl Gustaf realizam o forta de interdictie serioasa pentru orice invadator terestru, la un pret foarte mic.

    Interesant si ce pot face munitiile diverse care au fost dezvoltate.

    There is a large portfolio for the Carl-Gustaf M4 with different tactical ammunition to choose between, above all anti-armor ammunition. There are a number of types which are used to combat fighting vehicles and the sides of a tank such as the (4 kg) HEAT 751 (High Explosive Anti-Tank) with a tandem warhead that produces a penetrating force exceeding 500 mm after having detonated the Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) to get through the reactive plates protection. This is more than enough to defeat any existing tank’s side even when equipped with add-on ERA. The effect from the shaped charge does the devastating job inside the vehicle. The HEAT 551 has a single HEAT warhead, and an evolved variant, designated 551C RS (Reduced Sensibility), has a less sensitive explosive charge which makes it reliable, flexible and efficient. It knocks out almost any armored vehicles as well as being effective against other hard targets such as concrete bunkers and buildings. All three are rocket-propelled for an increased range out to 600 m or more, with rocket-boosted ammunition. The HEAT 655 CS (Confined Space) is the first Carl-Gustaf ammunition that is fully optimized for launch from confined spaces, i.e. from inside a building. It is used against armored targets mainly during urban scenarios. In the borderline comes the multi-role/anti-structure ammunition. For rapid response forces that must have the ability to combat many types of threats, the (3.3 kg) HEDP 502 (High Explosive Dual Purpose) is effective against light-armored vehicles, concrete and brick walls, field fortifications and bunkers. The gunner or gunner assistant can choose either to set it for IP (impact-point detonating) for shaped charge impact effects inside the vehicle or turning the fuze 180o to delay mode to fight a combat vehicle with a delayed detonation effect inside the vehicle; for example, a wall where the detonation makes a destructive effect behind the wall.
    Furthermore, there is ammunition called anti-structure ammunition MT 756 for the Carl-Gustaf. This is a multi-target grenade designed for combat in built-up areas and for incapacitating an enemy undercover inside a building or some type of fortification. The gunner does not need to fire the round through a window or a door. The MT 756 has tandem warheads. The first warhead in full caliber breaks a hole in a wall to get the second charge through. It also has a certain shaped charge effect with effect against lighter armored combat vehicles. The anti-structure ASM 509 round fired through a window or a door has a greater pressure effect inside a building. If, for example, the intended effect is to tear down a smaller building, the difference between these two grenades is that if one has go into the building afterward, one must choose the MT 756. A round fired with the ASM 509 gives a risk that the explosion has damaged the structure of the building. Then soldiers going into the building afterward would be at risk. For combating troops in the open, behind cover or in slit trenches as well as unarmored vehicles and similar types of targets, the 84 mm HE 441D (High Explosive) can be set for impact or air burst detonation. It has a range of approximately 1,200–1,300 m depending on whether it’s fired with impact mode (“point detonating”) or the fuze is set for air burst. The fuze setting is made manually.

    As mentioned earlier, Saab is developing the next generation HE-grenade for an 84 mm tube (the expendable AT4). On this new HE-grenade with the AT 4 or the Carl-Gustaf M4 the fuze is set automatically by the advanced sight when the gunner aims at the target and uses the laser for range finding or puts the range data manually into the sight. The grenade will then get a computed ballistic flight with time setting for detonation effect at right range and at right height. The new grenade has a much more effective warhead than the old one. Sweden has a policy according to the shooting rules for the Carl-Gustaf M3 that in order to neutralize a target effectively, the target normally must be shot at with three grenades.

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