Blue Dome

Tot al IAI (Israeli Aerospace Industries) – un mini IFF la purtator pentru infanterie:

13 comentarii:

  1. Ok, Friend-or-Foe identification pentru infanterie… Ce te faci cand inamicul iti colecteaza un transponder de la un operator cazut? Mai bine il micsoreaza si ti-l introduc chirurgical…?… probabil nu mai este mult pana atunci…

  2. Dar daca acel device emite cand este lovit de laser, nu inseamna ca poate fi receptionat si de catre inamic….sau inamicul sa genereze o raza laser care sa faca sa se auto desconspire soldatii?
    Mi se pare foarte riscant.

  3. Toate emisiile/recepțiile sunt criptate, inclusiv la noi, cu atât mai mult IFF. Că ei îl duc în jos către trupe este meritul lor. Jos pălăria că țin la viețile oamenilor nu ca alții.

    • Nu conteaza ca mesajul este criptat, locatia susei care emite poate fi aflata, chiar daca nu se decripteaza textul.

      • Cand ai soldati carora nu trebuie sa le stii pozitia nu interoghezi.

        Pe langa asta, evreii se bat doar cu desculti (Iran included) deci nu prea are cine sa faca smecherii d-astea complicate cu goniometrie.

        • Ca exempu ce se poate dace face cu un sitem IFF spart…. (de pe WIKI)
          FuG 25a „Erstling” (English: „Firstborn”, „Debut”) was developed in Germany in 1940. It received the radar frequencies on the low-VHF band at 125 MHz used by the Freya radar and the low-UHF-banded 550–580 MHz used by Würzburg).

          Before flight, the transceiver was set up with a selected day code of ten bits which was dialed into the unit. To start the identification procedure, the ground operator switched the pulse frequency of his radar from 3,750 Hz to 5,000 Hz. The airborne receiver decoded that and started to transmit the day code. The radar operator would then see the blip lengthen and shorten in the given code, ensuring it was not being spoofed. The IFF transmitter worked on 168 MHz with a power of 400 watts (PEP).

          British military scientists found a way of exploiting this system to the allies’ advantage. They designed and built their own IFF transmitter called „Perfectos”, which was designed to trigger a response from any FuG 25a system in the vicinity. When mounted in an RAF Mosquito, the „Perfectos” device revealed the position of any German nightfighters fitted with an FuG 25a. As a result, the British „Perfectos” device severely compromised German use of the FuG 25a.

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