Poza zilei…si tocmai ni s-a stricat capacitorul de flux!


12 comentarii:

  1. E aia din Inapoi in viitor? 🙂

    • Mama ce ne mintira astia cu Hollywood-ul lor. Suntem in 2015 si nu avem hover-board-uri, masini zburatoare, Mr. Fusion care recicleaza gunoaie in energie pura…

      • Astia au plecat la 10 zile dupa ce m-am nascut eu ca sa ma vada mare postac pe RumaniaMilitary.ro cum discutam despre ei!!!! :)))))))) Viziune in forma pura!

      • @Arhengel
        Avem razboi rece si Star Wars Episode VII.

      • http://www.vdare.com/articles/third-world-america-shows-only-decline-25-years-after-back-to-the-future-ii

        „But we do live in a vastly different society than Americans of the 1980s. Today, if “Hill Valley” was a real town in California, it would likely be another predominantly Hispanic disaster in what is already a Third World state. Rather than providing a setting for Americana, too many cities in California are simply extended slums, plagued by drought, poverty, cultural alienation, and political radicalism.

        And it’s not just California. How would Doc Brown react to the recent statements by a Governor of a Middle American state like Minnesota that critics of the state’s colonization by foreigners were “unacceptable, un-Minnesotan, illegal and immoral”?

        “If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state. Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota.

        “Our economy cannot expand based on white, B+, Minnesota-born citizens. We don’t have enough,” Dayton said.

        (Curiously, this is almost word-for-word what a German official just told his unfortunate constituents. Is somebody writing a script?)

        What was this dystopian hellhole of Minnesota like the same year Back to the Future was released?

        In 1980, the U.S. Census reported Minnesota had a population of 4,075, 970 people, with 96.09% being white.

        In the 1970s, Time magazine ran a cover story about Minnesota, with the caption: “The Good Life in Minnesota.” [August 13, 1973] It noted the population of those making possible the good life in the state was then 98 percent white:

        „If the American good life has anywhere survived in some intelligent equilibrium, it may be in Minnesota. It is a state where a residual American secret still seems to operate. Some of the nation’s more agreeable qualities are evident there: courtesy and fairness, honesty, a capacity for innovation, hard work, intellectual adventure and responsibility.

        Politics is almost unnaturally clean — no patronage, virtually no corruption. The citizens are well educated: the high school dropout rate, 7.6 percent, is the nation’s lowest. Minnesotans are remarkably civil: their crime rate is the third lowest in the nation (after Iowa and Maine). By a combination of political and cultural tradition, geography and sheer luck, Minnesota nurtures an extraordinarily successful society.”
        O parte importanta din educatia noastra politica ar fi sa invatam cum au dat-o altii in bara. De-aia citesc astfel de siteuri. SUA e la 20 de ani in fata Europei de Vest in toate – discriminare pozitiva, feminism virulent, decaderea societatii civile, privilegierea minoritatilor, mentalitate de victime etc

  2. ieri nu v-am putut accesa.tehnica sau agenturile straine?!

  3. Gogu' de la cazane

    „Capacitorul de flux” era cel de „flux informatic” ca de aproape 2 zile numai mesajul „Hopa! Ceva s-a intamplat… Pagina nu poate fi incarcata.”
    Sau au fost ceva informatii sensibile din „viitorul incetosat” al patriei care au trebuit sa dispara in „gaura neagra spatio-temporala”?

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